The original post published in May 2011. I’ve updated the photos to spare myself some embarrassment from the total lack of photography skills in the early days of blogging.
Ask anyone from Mississippi if they know about Comeback Sauce and they will look at you shocked for even asking the question. Of course, everyone in Mississippi knows about Comeback Sauce. Even if you’ve never heard the name, you probably know it, too. The sauce that’s served by the steak house chain made famous by the onions that bloom, is reminiscent of Comeback Sauce. Chances are you’ve had it on a burger or sandwich at a new age sandwich shop. It’s a versatile sauce that also makes a great salad dressing. The origins are debated, but most attribute the sauce to a Greek immigrant who settled in Mississippi after WWII.
Most recipes agree on the proportions of mayonnaise to ketchup to chili sauce and heavy on the black pepper. After that, the amounts of all the other ingredients are up for grabs.
Del Monte Chili Sauce. Look for it on your condiment aisle. If you can’t find Del Monte, Heinz is a suitable substitute.
Chili Sauce is a condiment that is usually found on the same aisle as ketchup, mayo and mustard. Look for it on the top shelve. The bottle contains 12 ounces. I’ve always preferred Heinz, but, my store was recently out of Heinz and I bought Del Monte which I’ve found is just as good. It’s always nice to have an option. Chili Sauce and chili pepper are not the same.
I formulated this recipe to give it as much shelf life as possible. Since I opted for garlic powder and onion powder over fresh garlic and onion, the sauce will keep in your refrigerator for as long as you would keep mayonnaise and ketchup. But, don’t worry. It will be eaten long before you have to worry about it spoiling.
It’s uses are many. It’s a dip for vegetables and chips, a salad dressing, a sauce for seafood or a sandwich spread. I will be serving mine tonight with Salmon Patties. It is good on EVERYTHING, except Cheerios.
Comeback Sauce
Mix all ingredients well and store in refrigerator overnight. It needs to sit to let the flavors become “acquainted”. They shouldn’t rush into marriage.
yield: one pint
1 cup Duke’s mayonnaise (one of my Favorites)
1/4 cup Heinz ketchup
1/4 cup chili sauce ( I prefer Heinz or DelMonte. DO NOT substitute Thai Chili Sauce)
1 heaping teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
1/4 cup light olive oil
juice of one lemon
Mix all ingredients well and store in refrigerator overnight.
Comeback Sauce
- 1 cup Duke’s mayonnaise one of my Favorites
- 1/4 cup Heinz ketchup
- 1/4 cup chili sauce I prefer Heinz or DelMonte. DO NOT substitute Thai Chili Sauce
- 1 heaping teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
- 1/4 cup light olive oil
- juice of one lemon
- Mix all ingredients well and store in refrigerator overnight. It needs to sit to let the flavors become “acquainted”. They shouldn’t rush into marriage.
- Comeback Sauce goes with EVERYTHING.....except Cheerios.
Emma Ann Weatherly says
Oh, SO very glad you shared this! I’ve never heard of “Comeback Sauce,” but that’s ok – I’ll be mixing some up this week! Your recipes are rather special… : )
Jackie Garvin says
Emma Ann,
Once you make this sauce, you will always want to keep some in your fridge. I didn’t grow up knowing about Comeback Sauce, either. You would think something so popular in Mississippi would make it’s way to South Alabama. At any rate, I’m sure glad that I finally crossed paths with it. Thanks for reading, Emma Ann!
Sherry Richards says
I just made this dressing and of course i had to taste it, OH my goodness!!!!! If letting it sit makes it better I wont be able to stand it!!!! I will just take a spoon and eat it. I made it with Dukes!!!!!
My Frig will never be with out this Dressing!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I did leave out the Black Pepper because Hubby can eat it, but every thing else is as written.
Jackie Garvin says
Thank you for letting me know how much you love Comeback Sauce. It’s unbelievably good! 🙂
Holly Mason says
Agree about Dukes Mayo. It is for Mayo people!!! I get it at the Amish Salvage store here for 75 cents for the big one, otherwise we’d be eatin’ plain ol generic.
Jackie Garvin says
Seventy-five cents???? What a bargain! I would have to clean out the shelves if I ever ran a deal as good as that.
Holly Mason says
Oh, you bet I do every time I see that they have Dukes. I have four in my cupboard right now. I don’t feel so bad making those mayo-heavy dishes when I’m paying that kind of price. Dukes is almost four bucks at my Kroger.
Mamova says
Amen to that
mississippigirl says
OMG…..Dukes mayo for 75 cents……..I’d drive half a day for that. There’s nothing else like it. Hellman’s would be my next choice but still, there’s no comparison. And yes, we do love comeback sauce in Mississippi. It is good on anything!
Jackie Garvin says
Isn’t that the truth! If I ever saw Duke’s for 75 cents, I would faint and fall out. 🙂
Tamara says
WOW! Are you kidding me, up north it’s almost $4 a 32oz. jar. And you’d be hard press to find it for that price in national grocery chains in Western Maryland….I’m having Duke’s envy right about now.
Rita LaChance says
Oh my, I need to send you some money to buy some Mayo and ship it to me. It would be totally worth the price of shipping to do it for the price and we don’t have that brand here in OR.
Jackie Garvin says
Here’s a mail order source for you. I’ve never done business with this company so I can’t vouch for their reliability. 🙂
Elena says
Living here in VA I can get Dukes at all the grocery stores! Thank goodness, because it IS the best! My sister lives outside of Chicago so in her “care packages” she always get a couple jars of Dukes. I can’t wait to try the Comeback Sause. (And, so glad I found your site!)
Jackie Garvin says
What a lucky duck your sister is to have someone send her Duke’s! Please let me know what you think of Comeback Sauce. I’m mixing up a new batch right now.
Please visit again. Welcome home! 🙂
Debra Murrell says
The link forSouthern Connoissure is good! I just received my jar of Dukes Mayo. It was shipped immediately to me. Will be reordering.
Jackie Garvin says
So happy to know you’ve got a source for Duke’s mayo! 🙂
Loretta Trammell says
Where is this Amish salvage store you speak of?
Jackie Garvin says
I haven’t found an Amish salvage store. Maybe another reader will chime in. 🙂
sandy galle says
we have the stores in Iowa
Jackie Garvin says
It’s great to hear that Duke’s has made it all the way to IA! 🙂
Steven Paris says
There is an Amish store near Colona Iowa that sells scratch and dent items. Not sure if they carry Dukes mayo.
Julie Schutte says
I live in IA… where is this Amish store?
Elaine says
Sandy Galle– where in Ia did you find the Dukes? Close to Omaha, Ne?
Morgana Haertjens says
Blue plate is awesome as well.. VEEY southern. In the Big Easy, every true po boy has blue plate…
cheryl dilbone says
never heard of Dukes mayo here in the midwest
Jackie Garvin says
Duke’s is my preferred brand of mayonnaise. Just use whatever your favorite may be.
margaret says
how many calories and fat grams is in the sauce
Jackie Garvin says
I don’t have a nutrition analysis program that will give the breakdown of fat grams and calories.
Deb says
If your from the South…. who cares.
Morgana Haertjens says
EXACTLY! lol..but, making your own…can’t beat that freshness, and soooooo easy
Cat Banguis says
Cheryl, if you have a Fresh Market nearby they carry it. It’s very good and closer to the taste/texture of Hellmann’s (don’t yell at me, Duke’s fans!!!) than Kraft. If substituting go for the Hellmann’s.
Alison Daly says
I have never had Duke’s Mayo but I agree Cat that Hellmann’s is way better than Kraft as far as mayo goes. Also prefer Hellmann’s Mayo to Miracle Whip.
Cari says
I live in Canada….I highly doubt I can get this Duke’s mayo here lol!
Jackie Garvin says
Just use your favorite mayo. I hope you enjoy Comeback Sauce!
Brooke says
You wont belive the diffrence in taste compared to any other! In SC thats the only brand!!
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks for your comment, Brooke! 🙂
Julia Wingfield says
I get Duke’s at Schnucks in StLouis… maybe you can find it if you have a Schnucks near you… WalMart in this area has it as well…
Jackie Garvin says
Duke’s has expanded all the way to St. Louis? That’s great news! Thanks so much for letting us know a source up there. 🙂
Morgana Haertjens says
Got a good tiger sauce recipe? And hot chicken n waffles? Of course Coke is the secret brine 4 that. And how bout your take on the amazing loveless biscuits
Jackie Garvin says
I’m not familiar with Tiger Sauce. I’ve never had the chance to eat at the Loveless. Next time I’m in their town. I’m making it happen.
MTuritto says
Dukes Mayo is from Greenville, SC ….. I lived there for a while and it really is a great mayonnaise.
Jackie Garvin says
If you read the comments, you’ll see that you’re not alone in your assessment of Duke’s mayo! It is the best mayo as far as I’m concerned. 🙂
Cindy says
Try looking at Wal-Matt, I was surprised and Happy to find it in western pa!
Lulu says
What kind of chili sauce??
Lulu says
What kind of chilli Sauce?
Jackie Garvin says
I use Del Monte Chili Sauce. It’s on the same isle as the ketchup and is usually on the top two shelves. Thanks for stopping by!
Kay says
Being a Mississippi girl….I grew up on Comeback Sauce! Try it with seafood….boiled or fried shrimp are devine with Comeback Sauce….great on salads…like you said, everything but Cheerios! Thanks for sharing….just like the one I use except I add about 1 T. of grated onion.
Jackie Garvin says
Isn’t Comeback Sauce the greatest? Thanks so much for stopping by! Please visit again.
Paige Doucet says
No Dukes Mayo down here in Texas or in Louisiana that I know about!
Jackie Garvin says
So sorry that you don’t have access to Duke’s mayo. Just use your favorite brand. Thanks for stopping by. Please comeback (yes, I said it!) again. You are always welcome.
Hailey says
Paige, I just saw Duke’s at HEB for the first time the other day! One of my friends from east Texas loves it, but I hadn’t been able to get my hands on any until now. Hopefully you can find it at an HEB somewhere 🙂
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks for this info! Go, Dukes!!!!
Jenny says
I am in Austin, TX and my HEB has Dukes. A friend of mine from North Carolina told me about it so when I saw ti on the shelf, I had to try it.. BEST MAYO EVER!
Can’t wait to try the Comeback Sauce.
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks! I hope you enjoy the sauce. Glad you found Duke’s!
Calista Rose says
some HEB’s have it that’s where i get it here in houston
Melissa says
Central Market carries it in Texas
Barb says
HEB has Dukes.
Trista says
HEB carries Duke’s Mayo here in Tx. It’s got a yellow label with black lettering. Wal-mart also has it. I live in Central Texas, hopefully you can find some!
Jackie Garvin says
Several people have commented that Blue Plate is as good to them as Duke’s. For folks that don’t have access to Duke’s, this may be another option. 🙂
Melanie H says
I don’t like Duke’s. I actually will only use Blue Plate!
Jackie Garvin says
You should use your favorite mayo whatever that might be. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Debbie Pipkins says
oh my gosh! I was beginning to wonder if there were any Blue Plate lovers out there. I live in southern MS and i have never heard of Dukes. Since i just started weight watchers, i am going to try it with blue plate light mayo. I will try to remember to let you know how it turns out with light mayo! Thanks for the recipe!
Jackie Garvin says
Blue Plate is very popular and it’s the mayo we had at my house growing up. I discovered Duke’s later in life and it became my favorite. You should use whatever mayo is your favorite. Please let me know how the sauce turns out for you. 🙂
Welcome home! 🙂
Ronda says
I’ve seen Duke’s mayo in the HEB in SanAntonio before :0)
Kimberly says
Duke is the same as Helmann’s
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks, Kimberly! 🙂
Dani says
They are not the same.
Laurie says
Duke’s is definitely not the same as Hellmann’s. BTW, Central Market, which is an HEB owned brand, does carry Duke’s as well.
Jackie says
Alright ya’ll…I guess I’m gonna have to go out and buy some Duke’s. Even though I’m a “GRITS”, I’ve always been a Hellman’s-lover. I’m willing to keep and open mind and give it a try! 🙂 Enjoy the comments here!
Jackie Garvin says
You’re making me smile all over! What a great sense of humor you have! 🙂
Ellise says
I live in Bossier City, Louisiana, and I just saw an ad for Dukes Mayo in the Brookshire’s sale paper for this week. Will definitely try it. I’ve been seeing it in recipes a lot lately.
Jackie Garvin says
I hope you come to love Duke’s as much as we do! 🙂
bellrose says
In Metairie, LA, (suburb of New Orleans), I found Duke’s mayo at Zupardo’s on Veterans.
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks for that info, Bellrose! 🙂
Michele says
THANK YOU bellrose!!! I’ll be in that vicinty tomorrow and will most definitely pay Zuppardo’s a visit… love to go there anyway! 🙂
Bridget from Refined Vintage says
This sounds delicious! Is it like the sauce for the “flowering Onion” at previously mentioned steak joint? I could eat that on anything! Thanks for sharing I will be trying this soon!
Jackie Garvin says
I think the sauce at the steak house may have a tad bit of horseradish added. However, this sauce is good just like it is with fried onions. Take it out for a “taste” drive and let me know what you think. It goes with EVERYTHING…..except Cheerios. Thanks for stopping by! Please visit again!
Kari says
How long does this sauce last? This sounds sooo good!! Found you through Pinterest…:)
Jackie Garvin says
Hi Kari!
Welcome to Syrup and Biscuits. I reformulated this sauce to have a loooooonnng shelve life. Some recipes call for fresh minced onion and garlic. I substituted onion powder and garlic powder. The primary ingredients are mayo, ketchup and chili sauce. So, this will keep as long as you would ordinarily keep those products in your fridge. However, this will not last long. I can promise you that. It goes with EVERYTHING……except Cheerios! <3
Joel says
I too found my way here via Pinterest and I think I have found a new favorite food blog.
This sauce looks similar to Alabama white bbq sauce. I cannot wait to try it.
Jackie Garvin says
Good morning, Joel! Welcome to Syrup and Biscuits! I just made a fresh pitcher of Southern Sweet Tea. I know you must be thirsty.
Comeback Sauce is similar to Alabama White BBQ Sauce. It does have ketchup and chili sauce, though. However, it could be easily modified to create White BBQ Sauce. I need to do a post on Alabama White BBQ Sauce. Thanks for the inspiration!
Claire Lane says
Jackie — Please update us when you do that Alabama White BBQ Sauce! I’d love to figure out how to do that one.
p.s. Duke’s is the ONLY mayo in this N Florida house!
Jackie Garvin says
I’ve already done it. Here it is!
Claire Lane says
Yay! Can’t wait to try this one, too! Thanks!
Jackie Garvin says
Enjoy, Claire! 🙂
Hawaa says
Is this sauce at all similiar to the Roulade sauce from New Orleans ?
Hawaa says
Pardon me , I meant Roumalade or close to that.
Jackie Garvin says
I knew what you meant. 🙂 It is similar to Remoulade Sauce. Someone described it as being like Thousand Island without the islands. I love that description. It doesn’t have pickle relish which represent the islands.
Sue says
LOVE IT! I prefer Hellman’s Mayo though. Ive never been fond of Duke’s.
Jackie Garvin says
Hellman’s is good mayo. Just use your favorite brand! <3
Sarah says
What I’d like to know is if it’s on par with Cane’s sauce 😉
a girl from LA
Jackie Garvin says
I’m not familiar with Cane’s Sauce but I googled it and found some recipes. This sauce is VERY similar. If you like Cane’s Sauce, you’re going to LOVE this sauce. <3
Jenny says
Yeah Canes!! My husband loves that sauce so much that we have to stop to eat at Canes everytime we travel through Lubbock, TX.
Now I understand what this recipe is! I’m so excited to make it for the hubster 🙂
Jackie Garvin says
Let me know what you and Mr. Jenny think about it! 🙂 <3
Karrie says
Sounds yummy! Gonna make this!!
Jackie Garvin says
I hope you enjoy the Comeback Sauce!
Tori says
This sounds like the white sauce recipe that the Japanese hibachi restaurants use for dipping chicken. I’m excited to try it out and taste!
Jackie Garvin says
It’s great used as a dipping sauce. It goes with EVERYTHING…..except Cheerios. <3
Tim says
Like what i see but as I’m from England one mistake is it’s not Worchesterhire sauce but Worcester Sauce.. Sorry guys but going to make it.. Cheers
Jackie Garvin says
It’s labeled here in the US as both Worchestershire and Worcestershire and both are pronounced woos’ – tur – shi – er. How do you pronounce Worcester?
Stephanie says
The city of Worcester, MA is also pronounce woos’ tur shi er. Making Comeback Sauce tonight to go with crab cakes for a cocktail party!
Jackie Garvin says
Enjoy your dinner tonight! English can be so confusing! Thanks for the delightful comment! 🙂
Kerri says
It’s Wooster:)
Marianne says
Wrong. It is pronounced Woosta. Trust me, I’m a native.
Shannon says
It’s pronounced “Wooster” 🙂
lee ann says
Actually, it is” Woostah” – (like Lobstah, Chowda, Green Monstah etc..) As with most words the “R” is silent heah in MA. 🙂
Jackie Garvin says
Hey Lee Ann! We’re glad you pahked ya cah in our yad! 🙂
Diana says
Wooster sauce– um, when I got married I asked my husband to pass the sauce and he said, Oh, you mean the what’s this here sauce? to this day now I have to think twice how to say it.
Linda Moore says
Duke’s mayo is made with apple cider vinegar. That is what gives it the extra “kick”. Gotta go make some of your comeback sauce now… sounds amazing.
Jackie Garvin says
Enjoy the Comeback Sauce! 🙂
Annette says
We make a similiar version of this for dipping boiled crawfish, shrimp and fish in…we usually use Blue Plate mayo…never knew it had a name but my daughter loves it. She is grown and when she comes for a visit and we have seafood she always asked “mama u gonna make some of your dipping stuff” lol. I think she thinks I invented it lol.
Jackie Garvin says
You just let her go on thinking that. Your secret is safe with us! 🙂
susie says
annette, that was my first experience with this sauce…when visiting friends in mississippi and they made it for our shrimp boil. and, they used blue plate mayo, too. it’s the best. also, we added a generous amount of horseradish and it was extra yummy!
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! 🙂
Morsels of Life says
I’ve never heard of Comeback Sauce before, but it sure looks tasty!
Jackie Garvin says
It is delicious. I hope you try it!
Natalie C says
Chili Sauce? Do you mean salsa? Sorry, I am in New Mexico and chili has a very different meaning here.
Jackie Garvin says
There is a condiment called chili sauce that is located on the isle with the ketchup. It’s usually on the 1st or 2nd shelf. I hope you can find some. 🙂
Christy says
Oh my this sounds good, going to have to give it a try.
Jackie Garvin says
I hope you give it a try. Thanks for stopping by!