I love special occasions: holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, parties. You name it, I love them all. The food, festivities, well wishes, laughter and overall happy moods are delightful. They leave me with a euphoric feeling that lasts for days and days. Sometimes, it never goes away.
Mother’s Day was one of those special occasions that I look forward to the most. All that changed when my mother died March 2009. Mother’s Day became a day of grieving. It was the hardest day for me to get through, much harder than her birthday or the anniversary of her death. My joyful anticipation of Mother’s Day turned into dreaded darkness. I missed my mother and just didn’t seem able to manage the awful sadness on Mother’s Day.
Out of sheer determination, I was going to make Mother’s Day 2012 happy again. So, amid the sweet fragrance of lavender and gardenias along with the birds and butterflies, we had a party in our backyard. Not just any party. We had a live band. Not just any band. It was a jazz trio that included our son playing bass.
Along with the fragrant flowers, butterflies, birds and jazz, we had lots of people. Some of those people were my children…….
…..and grandchildren.
Some of those people were friends.
One of those people was my husband.
The scene was perfect. People enjoyed the music and each other. A nice breeze kept us from burning slap up until the sun went behind the house leaving our backyard completely shaded.
Children romped….
and played.
I wasn’t sad.
Guests arriving bringing their chairs, food and drink. A guest book is on the wooden table in the foreground. Guests signed in…well, most of them did.
The party was meant to be a celebration of Mother’s Day. I asked the band to select a piece that we could dedicate to mothers. The mothers were asked to stand be recognized and the band played the dedication song immediately following. They chose “My Girl” and played it beautifully. It was my intention to literally put my heart and soul into to making this a great and special occasion for everyone who attended. A little piece of my heart went into the Mother’s Day story I wrote and handed out to the mothers. The story was printed out on pretty linen paper which is perfect for Moms. You can read that story by clicking here but you won’t see the pretty paper. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
Y’all come see us!
All images above are courtesy of Amy Garvin Wren. Yes, she is my daughter. No, I didn’t make her snap all the photos. She volunteered. I’m glad because she did an outstanding job!
Picnic Menu
The concert was from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, the perfect time to enjoy your dinner and listen to a great jazz band. Everyone brought their own food and drink. My job was to feed and water my husband, the band and myself.
For picnics, fried chicken is a favorite entree. But, don’t forget about roasted chicken. It has everything that fried chicken has and it’s much easier to make. Well….it doesn’t have the that great crispy crunchy skin, but, it’s so much easier to make than fried chicken. It really is tasty and can be enjoy hot, cold or at room temperature. We love dark meat in our house so I roast the leg and thigh pieces that have the skin and are bone-in. Simply rub them with olive, sprinkle on your favorite seasonings (the sky’s the limit) and place on a prepared baking sheet. Roast at 350 degrees for about one hour or until the internal temperature of the thigh is 165 degrees.
A great alternative to a mayonnaise based potato salad is my recipe for Parsley and Chive potatoes. The potatoes can be roasted or boiled. With our high outside temperatures, you need to be careful about mayonnaise based dishes.
All of my menu choices can be made ahead and enjoyed at room temperature. I did keep the tomatoes and cucumbers in a cooler until we were ready to eat.
Roasted Chicken Quarters
Sliced Fresh Tomatoes and Cucumbers
Strawberry Limeade Sparkling Cooler
Valerie Gardner says
Looks like an awesome day, Jackie. I’m so glad it was a happy day, too! There’s nothing like a mama, huh? I got to spend a little bit of time with my mom today. She’s almost 79 and still going strong. Still bossing everyone around…and probably frustrated that we all don’t listen like we should! <3
Jackie Garvin says
It was truly fantastic. I hoping to make that an annual event. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. I sure did!
You only have one Mama, that’s for sure. So glad you got to enjoy your day today. I hope you had a marvelous Mother’s Day. 🙂
Debi says
I’m so happy that you made the day into a wonderful celebration! My precious Mama has been gone 20 years. I love spending it with my boys ….. but there is always a void that can never be filled on special day. Really, most days. You smile, you enjoy and you think to yourself what a beautiful time you shared with your darlin’ Mama. <3 and hugs!
Jackie Garvin says
I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and relived some sweet memories of your Mama! 🙂
Jay says
FYI: it’s not the mayo that goes bad in potato salad, but the vegetables! The mayo has vinegar, an acid, that slows the “going bad” process, while the potatoes, onions, celery, etc., do not. Learned this in a sanitation course when I worked in a school kitchen.
Jackie Garvin says
Very interesting! 🙂
Amy Wren says
It was a beautiful evening with great music and company! I am so looking forward to next Mother’s day and keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll do a fall concert too! What a great idea!
Jackie Garvin says
So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for being the photographer! 🙂
Sue, a Florida Farm Girl says
What a lovely, wonderful, magnificent day you had!!!! I’m so glad you were happy on that day.
I miss my Mama, too. Can’t believe she’s been gone 5 years already.
Ann says
Looks like a wonderful time!!! I too had a wonderful Mother’s Day, the first in a couple of years that I got to spend with my daughter. She and I went and got pedicures together and we all went out to dinner. I missed seeing my Mom, but will be seeing her on Memorial Day weekend when we make the trip “up there”. I even got to help my granddaughter make a gift for her Mom – we painted flower pots and put herbs in them. Glad you day was happy, mine was too!!!
Jackie Garvin says
It sounds like you did have a wonderful Mother’s Day! I’m so glad you were able to have your daughter and granddaughter around. Have fun with your Mama in a few weeks! 🙂
Mary Ann says
What a wonderful day to remember Mama with happy laughter and smiles. We had a big 4 family picnic too, not a band in sight but lots of food, giggles and remembering Mama’s and here and those watching us above. Miss my Mama gone 30 yrs but I talk with he everyday!
Jackie Garvin says
Mary Ann,
I have no doubt that my Mama smiled down on the celebration. She loved music, laughter and family. She never got to see Tyler perform but she would have been so proud.
It sounds like you had a wonderful celebration! I just love those big gatherings. 🙂
Lillian says
I was so impressed reading through your description of the party and think it’s such a great way to deal with depression – do something for others. Then, I read the story – I was so touched. It’s an amazing story – I hope everybody took time to read it.
Jackie Garvin says
Thank you so much for your comments. The story is my first attempt at fiction. I do a lot of non-fiction writing and I think writing fiction makes you a better non-fiction writer. I hope I can continue to get inspiration for fiction stories. 🙂
Jean says
Jackie I am so glad you have turned a sad day for you into a celebration. You will always miss those who have gone on but celebrate their lives just like you did! Good looking bunch I must say! You have done well mam. Maybe next Mothers Day will be looked forward to instead of dreading it. Sending you a hug!
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks so much, Jean! It was a happy, happy day. I’m hoping to turn it into an annual event that I will look forward to! 🙂
Tom says
Wish I could have been there to give you a big hug Jackie as I know what you are going through I lost my mom back in 2006. Mothers day has been tough on so many families including mine as we would always do things together. Spent many a days having wonderful chats with her at the old kitchen table with unlimited glasses of ice tea, wedge of lemons and some homemade treats. She would keep a stash of homemade cookies or dark chocolates and break them out when I came over. I think changing the mood by spritzing it up making it a fun day with family and friends was a wonderful idea. I found the best way to offset sad times is with some positives in your life. Everyone needs a bunch of positives in their life so store these memories in a cookie tin (fun pictures and trinkets) and pull them out when you feel sad. BTW: Great looking photographic bunch you should be proud young lady. I bet you had all the fixings out there which would make a king and queen very happy. Hope you have many more fun days and big hugs ahead my friend.
Jackie Garvin says
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments. The day was just as wonderful as it could be!
I trust that your sweet memories of your Mama can get you through the sad times. God bless you. 🙂
CJ at Food Stories says
What an awesome celebration … and a live jazz band … fabulous 🙂
Jackie Garvin says
It was a celebration to behold! 🙂
Mary says
“It Happened On Mother’s Day”………beautiful and heart-warming!
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the story! 🙂
Michele says
Dear, dear Jackie! My oh my oh my, how I dearly LOVE this post! You know I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes, right? You so often bring me to tears my sistah, but especially this one! I greatly admire and respect your decision and DETERMINATION to turn Mother’s Day around and make it a festive occasion again! No doubt your mother was smiling and laughing all day long! Love you, Jackie! xoxoxo
Jackie Garvin says
My mother and grandmother were sitting side by side looking down and enjoying the day. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, sweet Michele! 🙂
velva says
What an absolutely fabulous way to celebrate Mother’s Day. Thanks for sharing the day with us.
Jackie Garvin says
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading the post! 🙂
tipper says
Jackie-I’m glad you turned your Mother’s Day blues around. And I hope I’ll remember what you did-when the time comes for my first Mother’s Day without Granny.
I jumped over and read your story-it is amazing! You are a wonderful writer-I felt like I was right there in the bedroom with them at the end.
Jackie Garvin says
Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your sweet comments. Thank you so much! 🙂
CJ at Food Stories says
Jackie … You have been nominated for my NEW Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling. Check out my site for the details (foodstoriesblog dot com).
Jackie Garvin says
Oh, my!!! Thank you a million bajillion! I’m headed to your blog right now! 🙂
TastefullyJulie says
Wow, this is a truly heartwarming post. I lost my father this year and I and dreading Father’s day but I also owe it to my husband to give him his day. Thanks so much for sharing.
Jackie Garvin says
Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. May God bless you as encounter this first Father’s Day without your Dad.