Everyone in my family loves cobblersme included. They are unbelievably delicious and easy. That’s a winning combination.
1/2stick unsalted butter
1cupself-rising flour
1/2teaspoonground ginger
1/4teaspoonground cinnamon
2cupssliced peaches
dash of ground cinnamon
dash of ground ginger
Melt butter in pan. Mix together buttermilk, sugar, flour, ginger and cinnamon until lumps are dissolved. Pour over butter in pan. An 8X8 pan works well. I like to use enamel pans just like my Granny. They are 3 inches deep and 9 inches wide. The pan will be about 3/4 full when the cobbler is baked.
Place peaches, water and sugar in a small pot and bring to a quick boil. Stir to make sure sugar dissolves. Pour over batter in pan and do not stir. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.