shape four patties from one pound of hamburger meat. Use 1/4 of the ground beef and shape into a ball. Press it out in your hands to about 1/2 of an inch. Gently. Don't pound it or bounce it off the counter tops. Gently form the patty.
make an indention in the center of the patty to prevent it from blowing up like a balloon while it's cooking
Repeat with the rest of the meat
Sprinkle both sides of the meat with kosher salt and ground pepper.
Place them on a hot grill with the indented side up.
Let them cook for at least four minutes UNDISTURBED. This means don't mess with them. Leave them alone for four minutes. The only exception to this rule is if your grill catches on fire. You will need to spring into action to save more than your burgers.
After four minutes, check to see if juices are bubbling up to the top of the burger which means the center is cooking. If yes, flip them over. If no, cook for another minute or so until they appear.
After the burgers are flipped, do not press down with that dadgum spatula. The thing is for flipping and not pressing - at least in the burger world.
Cook for an additional 3 to 4 minutes until the inside reaches a temperature of 160 °F degrees for fully cooked burgers.
Remove to a platter and build your favorite burger